The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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NOTICE: This is NOT a crippled program. All letterhead creation and printing
functions on the menu are fully functional.
Thank you for trying The Laser Letterhead Kit. When you register this product,
you will receive the multifunctional Commercial Edition of Laser Letterhead
plus with TextWriter, BatchMailer, Address Data Base, Envelope printing and
much more. The price of the Registered Commercial Edition is $25 plus $4.95
shipping (US and Canada).
HOW TO USE THE LASER LETTERHEAD KIT: The Laser Letterhead Kit contains only
the kernel letterhead creation feature of the 3 disk shareware version of
Laser Letterhead plus. If you are interested only in printing letterhead
stationery, this is the program for you. Follow the A, B, C directions below:
A. Printer Port
The Laser Letterhead Kit comes set up with LPT1 as the default laser printer
port. If your computer is using LPT2, you will have an opportunity to change
this setting when the program starts. (Pressing Function key F6 within the
program will also allow you to switch ports.) The port in current use is
always displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
B. How to Print Letterheads
1. Starting The Laser Letterhead Kit: Log onto the directory containing the
Kit's program files and type LP ...
Do not log onto the directory where you placed the soft font files if they
are not kept with the program files. The file LP.BAT must be in the directory
that starts The Kit. Do NOT start the program by typing LLHK. This will not
set the program up to locate soft fonts and other necessary files.
2. The Shareware Information screen will come up. It contains no plea for
registering The Laser Letterhead Kit, but informs you how to obtain the
larger Laser Letterhead plus. As shareware, it is implicit that The Kit
is only for trial use and registration will be necessary to continue using
the product. Press ENTER to continue.
3. The Laser Letterhead Kit title and copyright screen appears. If ENTER is
not pressed within a few seconds, the program will continue automatically.
4. If your laser printer is not on, is disconnected, or is on another port,
on screen. This indicates that The Kit has no active connection with your
laser printer, and that some action will have to be taken to solve the
problem. This is most often remedied by turning your laser printer on or
placing your printer on line. Press ENTER to continue.
5. As a possible solution to #4, The Kit will search your computer's config-
uration and attempt to find another port that connects to your laser. If
successful, the message appears "YOU HAVE 2 PORTS ON THE COMPUTER. DO YOU
WANT TO CHANGE PORTS?" If this is the case, indicate "YES" by pressing Y ...
A window will appear "CHANGE PRINTING PORT: CHANGE LPT1 TO LPT_ ...
Place the port number in the entry field. This is usually to port LPT2. You
will be asked to confirm the port entry. If you accidentally indicated a wrong
answer to previous entries, this is the time to undo it. Pressing F6 later
when at the Main Menu, will provide an opportunity to change ports again.
This will change the port in the SetUp program and show the new port on the
upper right-hand corner of your current screen.
6. The next pop-up window will appear, "DO YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD SOFT FONTS
TO LPT1 PRINTER? Y>ES N>O ... The INSTALL program, loaded the font files and
information into The Kit's SetUp program. Downloading is automatic, but it
must be done before you may print letterheads. Press Y ...
NOTE: Downloading is only done once during a session if you do not turn your
laser printer off. If you change the font entries in SetUp, it must be repeat-
ed, but The Kit will prompt you to do it automatically at that time. When
exiting from The Kit, the downloaded fonts are NOT removed from your laser
printer. If you re-enter the program without turning your laser printer off,
you do NOT need to repeat the downloading process. If you ran another program
that erased the fonts from the laser printer, you WILL have to repeat the
download. While in the program, Function key F9 will also automatically
download soft fonts to the printer. YOU DO NOT NEED ANOTHER PROGRAM TO
DOWNLOAD FONTS. The Laser Letterhead Kit does it all.
7. Again if, for some reason, your laser printer does NOT now have a direct
connection to The Kit, a message will come on the screen and notify you of
this. Press ENTER, and you will go directly to the Main Menu. Correct the
problem and press Function key F9 to start the download process.
8. The download process will list each font downloaded, and tell you if all
five fonts have been down loaded successfully. Do not attempt to stop the
download sequence by pressing keys.
9. The program will stop at the Main Menu. The selections are: L>etterhead,
S>etUp, and Q>uit. Striking the first letter of any menu item will start
that selection. Press L for letterhead.
10. The Paper Size Menu is next. Select the paper size that you have in your
laser printer. S>tandard US is a common default for most American printers.
Many other countries use the A<4 Standard.
NOTE: On every screen there is a R>eturn selection. If you make an error,
press R for RETURN at the very next screen, and your selections will be
cancelled and you will be returned to the Main Menu. You may then start over.
11. The next selection will ask if you want to place a "Date on Letterhead,
Use the Logo, Print the Slogan, and Create a Watermark." Answer Y for YES to
all selections.
12. The type of letterhead is requested on the next screen, along with the
date you want printed and the number of copies. Accept the current default
date and copies, by striking the ENTER key for these selections. Then select
B for business letterhead. Finally enter O for the Only Logo selection. Later,
repeat this process, and select P for Personal and also try the Center, Left
Justified, and Special Logo letterheads.
13. The Only Logo selection will pop up a screen informing you that there are
two Business Logos. Select 2 to print both #1 and #2.
14. The following screen will ask if you wish to include the Personal Name
and Business Title on the letterhead. Select Y for YES. However, make sure
that you have downloaded fonts before making this selection. If not, the
printing results may be unpredictable for the Personal Name and Business Title.
15. The program will then load your laser printer with the selections you have
made. Every process will be shown on screen. Do not attempt to cancel the load
process by striking any keys. If you made an input error, leave the process
continue and then correct it by doing it over when the printing is completed.
NOTE: Depending upon the processor speed of your computer, the amount of time
it takes to print a letterhead will vary. The watermark takes longer to load
because of its greater area. If you are printing multiple copies of the
letterhead, the printing will proceed after loading, at the rated page per
minute of your laser printer.
16. When The Kit has loaded your entire letterhead with options into your
printer, the laser engine will be started and the letterhead printing begins.
At this point, your letterhead is in the print spooler and the computer is free
for you to go to another task. You may even QUIT The Laser Letterhead Kit and
go to another program. However, do not turn off your computer until the
printing is completed.
17. In this demonstration, you created only one type of letterhead. The Kit
is capable of much more. Repeat the above, but select different letterhead
types. Try the Personal and Business versions of the Center, Left Justify,
Special Logo, and Only Logo types. Save all the printed letterheads, so
that when you go into the SetUp menus, you will understand what each screen
or individual entries will do.
NOTE: The Center and Left Justify types are referred to as the Regular letter-
head in the SetUp program. They are made up of basically downloaded fonts. The
Special Logo type uses a PCX image and downloaded fonts. The Only Logo type
uses a PCX image for the letterhead, and downloaded fonts for optional
selections: date and personal name with business title.
C. SetUp on the Main Menu: Customizing The Laser Letterhead Kit to Your Needs
Because of the space limitations of a single 360K disk, detailed SetUp
instructions could not be included. Instead, the program has been setup for
your immediate use by the INSTALL program. These instructions will provide
you will information to customize The Kit and add your own data. The SetUp
screens may appear complicated, but they were designed to be intuitive. They
have been simplified for The Kit, and should not prove to be an obstacle.
Make a "Print Screen" of any of the SetUP Screens BEFORE you change them. If
you make an error, you may then go back to the original settings.
The SetUp Screens: Measuring HOR and VER Positions:
All measurements are in inches and the exact coordinates are made by the "HOR"
(Horizontally from the left margin) and "VER" (Vertically down from the top
margin) to the intersection of both. For PCX images, this is the top-left
corner of the image, and for text, it is the left-bottom of the first letter
of text. The standard margin for all LaserJet or compatibles is 1/4 inch all
around: top, bottom, left, and right. If measuring from the edge of the
printed page, add 1/4 inch (or 0.25 decimal) to the your measurements, but
do not enter this 0.25 inches into the HOR and VER measurement. The Kit is
measuring from the margins, not from the edge of the paper.
All fractions must be converted to decimals:
1/16" = 0.0625, 1/8" = 0.125, 1/4" = 0.250, 1/2" = 0.500, 3/4" = 0.750
Adding decimals is very easy, so anything between the above may be found by
adding combinations: ie, 1/16" + 1/4" = 0.0625 + 0.250 = 0.3125 (an amount
over 3 decimal figures in the total may be dropped or rounded up) . Thus,
7/8" = 7 x 0.125 = 0.875. 15/16" = 15 x 0.0625 = 0.9375. Decimals must
be used to place HOR and VER measurements exactly. One of the easiest ways
is to guess at the measurement, print the letterhead, and then do adjustments.
NOTE: The PCX and Graphics and Text setup screens are divided into Regular,
Only Logo, and Special Design sections. Do not become confused and make
changes to the wrong letterhead. If the print-out shows no difference after
making a change, check to see if the change was made on the proper letterhead.
Basic SetUp:
Print a few of the Regular Letterheads and you will see how the text entered
on this screen is used. It contains all text input: personal name, business
title, business name (the Kit also places the business name on the top of all
program screens), and address information. Note the "Directions" for slogan
graphics at the bottom of the screen. If you want to get from the top to the
bottom of the screen, press ESC key. Do not press ESC while you are in any
field that you have just changed or the change will be undone. Use the ENTER
or ARROW keys when making changes. On this screen and the others to follow,
when you reach the bottom of the screen, you will be asked "Is this Correct?"
If you answer Y for YES, the screen will close and go back to the SetUp Menu.
If you answer N for No, the cursor will return back to the top of the screen.
Font SetUp:
The INSTALL program placed the 5 PCL soft fonts properly into this screen.
The first 4 fonts are DECO-UNIVERSITY typefaces, and the last (slogan) is
DECO-RITZ. These CPI soft fonts clearly show the point size. The first,
UNIV024.SFP, may be read as 24 points. The SFP file ending means "soft font
portrait orientation." The UNIV or RITZ are shortened forms of the typeface
name. Not all PCL bit map font manufacturers follow this convention. Some
have added confusing numbers and letters that mean little to the user. If
you add new fonts to this screen, the actual font file MUST be placed in
the drive and directory indicated to the INSTALL program for soft font files.
Also, if a change is made, the font files will need to be downloaded.
PCX Images:
See the HOR and VER instructions above. INSTALL placed all 5 PCX images
correctly into this screen down to a 0.001 inch. Make a "Print Screen" of
this setup screen before making changes. You may then revert back to the
original position if you get hopelessly lost. You may try inserting some
of your own PCX images or clip-art. Make approximate measurements, print a
letterhead, then make the fine adjustments. Only images with PCX endings
will work. This is a standard used by PC Paint and other paint programs.
If you add any new PCX images to this screen, you must copy the actual PCX
file into the PROGRAM directory. The PCX files must always be placed into
the PROGRAM directory. Do NOT place them with the font files if you elected
to place the soft fonts into a different directory than the program files.
Graphics and Text:
See the HOR and VER instructions above. As in the other SetUp screens, make
a "Print Screen" before making changes. The "Date Horizontal Position" may
be centered simply by the 99.999 entry. The PNameTitle is the small "Robert
Hastings" centered over "President". The "Baseline" may be anything from a
thin line to a fancy patterned bar (Special Design) or a shaded box. The
baseline may be placed upright at the left or right margin (Special Design),
if desired. The Special Design letterhead will let you move the letterhead
horizontally to the left or right, or you may elect to center it. Shading in
boxes is always in percentages. The closer to 100%, the darker it becomes.
The Laser Letterhead Kit has been produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Authors and Distributors, and as such, has met their demands for
professional programming. Any problems of a shareware nature that cannot
be resolved by CPI Software, may be brought to the attention of the ASAD
Ombudsman for possible correction. Please send all information, including
the name and address of the person or company you received The Laser
Letterhead Kit from, to: ASAD, ATTN: Ombudsman, 2425 North Limestone Street,
Springfield, Ohio 45503-1109.
Cut Here -> -------------------------------------------------------------------
Registration will entitle you to receive the Commercial Edition of Laser
Letterhead plus, a printed Handbook, and the Basic Customizing PCX Pak. The
PCX Pak contains forms for obtaining one PCX text based logo, one PCX
letterhead image, and one PCX watermark image at NO COST TO YOU. You will
also receive 7 typeface font families encompassing 68 PCL soft font files.
Do not include instructions for creating your free letterhead, logo, and
watermark. This is done with the PCX Pak above after it is received.
Business Name:____________________________________________________________
Street Address:___________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________________
Disk Size: __1.2M HD 5.25" __1.4M HD 3.5" Laser Name:_________ RAM:_______
Check if User is Vision Impaired & Requires Large Screen Font Driver:_____
Registration Fee: Each Single User...............: ___@ $25.00....:_______
Florida Residents Add 6% State Sales Tax (Pinellas County 7%).....:_______
Shipping/Handling for US or Canada add $4.95 (Others add 8.95)....:_______
Make Checks/Money Orders Payable to CPI Software and Send with this form to:
PO Box 47097, St. Petersburg, Florida 33743-7097 USA - FAX 813 544-0212
All Currency in US dollars Drawn on a Bank or Branch Located in the USA
- Allow up to 2 or 3 Weeks for Processing and Delivery - VER 35K10193 -